Funding Opportunity |
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with the Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for G24AS00358
Funding Number: G24AS00358
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $150,000 |
The State Component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program Apply for G24AS00043
Funding Number: G24AS00043
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $800,000 |
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for G23AS00424
Funding Number: G23AS00424
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $338,378 |
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated with Great Lakes Northern Forests Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for G23AS00112
Funding Number: G23AS00112
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $100,000 |
Integrative Computational Tools for Systems Biology Research Apply for DE FOA 0002878
Funding Number: DE FOA 0002878
Agency: Office of Science
Funding Amount: $1,050,000 |
Cooperative Agreement with a Partner of the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) Apply for G21AS00293
Funding Number: G21AS00293
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $28,200 |
Notice of Intent to Award Apply for BOR LC 17 N001
Funding Number: BOR LC 17 N001
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $321,000 |
SciDAC: Scientific Computation Application Partnerships in Earth System Science II - Pilot Projects Apply for DE FOA 0001682
Funding Number: DE FOA 0001682
Agency: Office of Science
Funding Amount: $1,500,000 |
Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Enriching Learning, Programs, and Student Experiences Apply for 24 551
Funding Number: 24 551
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $1,000,000 |
Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) Program - Region 8 Apply for DHS 16 MT 045 08 01
Funding Number: DHS 16 MT 045 08 01
Agency: Department of Homeland Security - FEMA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Scaling Up Evidence-Based Services to Promote Competitive Integrated Employment Among People with Disabilities Apply for HHS 2023 ACL NIDILRR DPEM 0001
Funding Number: HHS 2023 ACL NIDILRR DPEM 0001
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $900,000 |
DOD Ovarian Cancer, Pilot Award Apply for HT9425 23 OCRP PA
Funding Number: HT9425 23 OCRP PA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
DoD Rare Cancers, Resource and Community Development Award Apply for W81XWH 22 RCRP RCDA
Funding Number: W81XWH 22 RCRP RCDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction: Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Apply for DHS 21 CWMD 077 001
Funding Number: DHS 21 CWMD 077 001
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Office of Procurement Operations - Grants Division
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
CDMRP PRMRP Focused Program Award Apply for W81XWH 21 PRMRP FPA
Funding Number: W81XWH 21 PRMRP FPA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
CDMRP Ovarian Cancer Investigator-Initiated Research Award Apply for W81XWH 21 OCRP IIRA
Funding Number: W81XWH 21 OCRP IIRA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions Apply for 20 599
Funding Number: 20 599
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $3,000,000 |
Ethical and Responsible Research Apply for 19 609
Funding Number: 19 609
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Energy-Efficient Technologies for Automated Vehicles (AVs) Apply for DE FOA 0002163
Funding Number: DE FOA 0002163
Agency: Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESu Apply for G19AS00120
Funding Number: G19AS00120
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $50,000 |
Measurement Science and Engineering (MSE) Research Grant Programs Apply for 2019 NIST MSE 01
Funding Number: 2019 NIST MSE 01
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Funding Amount: $12,000,000 |
Systems Biology Enabled Research onthe Roles of Microbiomes in Nutrient Cycling Processes Apply for DE FOA 0002059
Funding Number: DE FOA 0002059
Agency: Department of Energy - Office of Science, Office of Science
Funding Amount: $3,750,000 |
Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Apply for 19 524
Funding Number: 19 524
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $1,000,000 |
STATEMAP - The State Component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program Apply for G19AS00006
Funding Number: G19AS00006
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $300,000 |
DoD Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes, Clinical Research Award Apply for W81XWH 18 OPORP CRA
Funding Number: W81XWH 18 OPORP CRA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Pacific Northwest CESU Apply for G18AS00072
Funding Number: G18AS00072
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $47,000 |
Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation CFDA 15.655 Apply for F17AS00064
Funding Number: F17AS00064
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $150,000 |